Political Operations Rex 84 King Alfred Manuel
I am seeking two clients daily email me at themullings@gmail.com who require help in Affidavits writs adverse claims and international lawsuits for a small donation of 20 notes per email writing each email law based writing with history and processes used in the past that were successful my son is seeking 5-10 clients daily who require video editing where he makes video introductions /intros twitter.com/EnderFlamesYT or EnderFlamez#2622 discord tag share subcribe The King Alfred Plan was a fictional CIA-led scheme supporting an international effort to eliminate people of African descent. Specifically it defined how to deal with the threat of a black uprising in the United States by cordoning off black people into concentration camps in the event of a major racial incident. the deceptive thing about the passage above is the CIA and FBI was the OSS watch my other video explaining this fact hence its all agents in so called authority known as police etc who are systemically attacking the African Americans Blacks Negros Coloreds Jamaicans etc go to this link https://moor4igws.org/uploads/3/4/4/2/34429976/king_alfred_plan_-_rex_84.pdf to read about the Rex 84 King Alfred Doctrine also go to Taj Tarik Bey video where he explains in more detail what the Rex 84 plan is and why it was created and who uses it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4Lei3bQKeQ here is my writings from listening to Taj Tarik Bey video and other important past knowledge keys to freedom silent wars quiet wars secret weapons known as the King Alfred Doctrine October 19 1969 Rex 84 Rex 84 11490 October 19 1969 Concentration camps expanded technical Manuel tmsw79,1 plan known by all organizations and officers their guide Manuel commercial mercenaries without recourse without remedies they can kill steal and destroy as judges magistrates are party to it its a military operation military occupation civiliter mortus means dead in the eyes of the law tags such as brands black negro colored not an identity makes them undescendable uninheritable cusip number with the dashes means debtor with out the dashes means creditor on the ssn trn sin this is what agents use all day every day to do trade receive funding for whatever projects etc not money but our divine god given estates trusts as it is all ours we just forgot to claim it makes the heirs waive their right if they speak up not in their proper person impropria person being ones own self you must know your pedigree and your blood line know the traditions and the customs from time immemorial MY PATREON PAGE https://www.patreon.com/KennickEl Check our campaign in Patreon page:
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